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Syed Abdul Rahman bin Syed Ahmad Alkaff

(12/9/1921 – 27/4/2004) 82 years of age A respected religious scholar, Ustaz Syed Abdul Rahman was among the first batch of students from Madrasah Aljunied, in the years from 1927 to 1933. He dedicated his life to Islam, teaching and giving sermons for almost 40 years, and was also active in eradicating deviant teachings in  Full Article…


Abdullah bin Faqih

(? – 6/6/2004) An Islamic teacher and preacher in Singapore during the 1990s, Ustaz Abdullah bin Faqih died died in Makkah was buried there. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Webmaster) Click here to hear one of his lectures.


Mohd Hafi bin Hakim

(17/11/1936 – 12/10/2004) 68 years of age Ustaz Mohd Hafi received his early education at Madrasah Aljunied. Later, he worked as teacher at Madrasah Alsagoff. He died on 12 October 2004, at the age of 68. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Pergas)


Osman bin Yusuf

(? – 2004) Ustaz Osman was famous as a fiery khatib at Masjid Kassim, where he also served as its regular imam. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Webmaster)


Mustajab bin Shai’en

(? – 2004) Dato’ Paduka Ustaz Hj. Mustajab bin Shai’en was born in Singapore and received his education at Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah. After graduating from that Madrasah, he served as one of its teachers until 1967 when he decided to teach in Brunei, where he became one of the personal teachers of the royal family.  Full Article…