Daud bin Ali

(? – 7/4/1989)


With Jamiyah's President on his right and ex-Mufti Sanusi Mahmood at the background (with spectacle)

With Jamiyah’s President on his right and ex-Mufti Sanusi Mahmood at the background (with spectacle)

Daud bin Ali is a well-known ulama who wrote many books, the most popular being ‘Panduan Ibadat’, which remains in print till this day.

He was born in Kempar, Sumatera. His parents brought him to Selangor, Malaysia when he was still a baby. Later he migrated to Singapore. For two consecutive terms, from 1968 to 1974, he was asked to sit in the first Muis Council.

In 1988, he returned to his homeland. A year later, on Friday morning, 7 April 1989 (1 Ramadan 1409) he passed away peacefully due to old age, after the azan for the Subuh (dawn) prayer.

May Allah bless his soul.

(Source: Nadzrul bin bin Daud bin Ali)


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