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Embek bin Ali

(August 1929 – 20/10/2008) 79 years of age Ustaz Embek was well known for his tireless effort in exposing and eradicating deviant teachings in Singapore. He was adviser and patron to Perdaus, the Adult Religious’ Students Association, which he led for 25 years. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Webmaster) Perjuangan dan komitmen Ustaz Embek  Full Article…


Salleh bin Mohd Piah

(? – 26/07/2008) Ustaz Salleh was the President of the Syariah Court and a member of its Fatwa Committee. He would always conduct his research carefully and come well prepared for each fatwa meeting. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Webmaster)


Arsyad bin Nor

(2 January 1925 – 9 June 2008) 83 years of age Although Ustaz Arsyad was born in Singapore, his parents sent him to Bawean Island to grew up and received his early education there. Among his teachers was Kiyahi Hasyim Ilyas at Pakalongan Bawean. At the age of 10, he was brought to see his  Full Article…