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Abdullah Basmeih bin Mohammad Basmeih

(1915 – 14/07/1996) 81 years of age Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih was the well-known translator of Al-Quran in Malay Language ‘Pimpinan Rahman’ which was published by the Malaysian Government’s Agency, JAKIM. He was born in Mecca and received his education there. May Allah bless his soul. (Source: Webmaster)


Hussein al-Habshi

(? – 1996) Habib Hussein served as imam at Masjid Al Abdul Razak since it was erected until his death. It was he who started the ratib and other zikr in the mosque. He used to host the Sunday morning dars (reading group) lead by Syeikh Umar Al-Khatib which concentrate on the reading of  Ihya’ Ulumuddin,  Full Article…